By now we all know that the 24/7 party life at Port Navas often creates havoc for the local constabulary, Goonhilly satellite Earth station and oftentime low flying aircraft. However, yesterday it was the unrelenting drone of the constant traffic chaos that was interrupted.
Picture the scene. A mild, but obviously, winters afternoon in the village. A local man pressure washing his cottage parking area (What a good man - everyone loves pressure washing, & I hear that he's not too harsh on the eye either.. if you like that sort of thing).
When, out of nowhere,* one of the Port Navas swans appears and starts patrolling the, mean, streets.
Luckily I was there, pressure washing, and caught the mayhem unfolding between Anabelle (Queen of the village)** and Swan (Break your arm) on film.
Eventually all the kerfuffle and noise calmed down, as Anabelle went back indoors.
Sometime later the Swan also returned from whence it came.
Phew! What a time to be alive.
*Port Navas creek
** she said 'Plucky' I'm sure